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Indiana . USA

Best Places to visit in Indiana

Capital - Indianapolis

No. of Counties - 92

Population - 6,785,528

Area - 36,418 sq mi (94,321 km2) sqkm

Pop. Density - 189/sq mi (73.1/km2)

Median Household Income - $62,743

Official Website -

About - Indiana

Here are some key facts about Indiana:

  1. Capital: Indianapolis
  2. Population: Approximately 6.7 million people (as of 2020)
  3. Statehood: Indiana became the 19th state of the United States on December 11, 1816.
  4. Area: It covers an area of about 36,418 square miles, making it the 38th largest state in the U.S.
  5. Nicknames: Indiana is often called the "Hoosier State." The origin of the term "Hoosier" is unclear, but it's widely embraced by residents.
  6. Economy: Indiana has a diverse economy, with significant contributions from manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, education, and technology sectors. It's known as a manufacturing hub, particularly for automobiles and auto parts.
  7. Education: Home to several renowned universities and colleges, including Indiana University, Purdue University, and Notre Dame University.
  8. Sports: Indiana is passionate about basketball, with the Indiana Pacers representing the state in the NBA and the NCAA's Indiana Hoosiers being a prominent collegiate team.
  9. Geography: The state features a varied landscape, including flat plains in the northern region, rolling hills in the central area, and the scenic southern Indiana with its rugged hills and forests.
  10. Culture: Indiana has a rich cultural heritage, influenced by its Native American roots, European settlers, and African American communities. It's known for its festivals, fairs, and historic sites, including the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, home to the famous Indianapolis 500 race.
  11. Government: Like other U.S. states, Indiana has a governor-led government with a bicameral legislature consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
  12. Transportation: Indiana has a well-developed transportation infrastructure, with major highways, railways, and airports connecting it to other parts of the country. The Port of Indiana on Lake Michigan provides access to international shipping routes.
  13. Natural Resources: Indiana's natural resources include coal, limestone, and fertile soil, which support its agriculture and mining industries.

These are just some of the key facts about Indiana, highlighting its history, economy, culture, and geography.

Indiana Map